What Is The Difference Between Maritime Law And The Jones Act?

If you’ve been injured while working on a maritime vessel, offshore oil or gas rig, ship, tug boat, or any other number of vessels, you could be covered under the Jones Act, which has protected maritime workers, seamen, sailors and others who work on U.S. territorial waters for nearly a century. Or you could be covered by maritime law, also known as admiralty law.

Your best bet, if you are eligible, is the Jones Act. Independently of maritime law, admiralty law, workers compensation or Longshore Act payments, the Jones Act can help you gain the most substantial payments for your injury losses. But you need a knowledgeable Jones Act lawyer, maritime attorney or offshore injury lawyer to advance your case.

A qualified attorney can provide such legal help by holding accountable the captain, crew or owner of the vessel, rig or offshore platform on which you were injured. Your offshore injury may have been due to unseaworthiness caused by faulty equipment, an unsafe working environment or improper safety procedures on board. But thanks to the Jones Act, you have a legal right to seek payments for your injury losses via a lawsuit.