Spanish is one of the most widely-spoken languages on the planet. Whether you want to study abroad in Buenos Aires or boost your college applications, knowing Spanish will benefit your life in countless ways.

To help you out, we went ahead and picked 7 of the best ways to learn Spanish, from little tricks that you can squeeze into each day to more intensive activities that require a bigger commitment.
¿Esta usted lista? (“Are you ready?”) Okay, let’s get going!

7 of the Best Ways to Learn Spanish

1. Download an app on your phone

Plenty of smartphone apps can help you learn the basics of a new language. Duolingo is a popular application that makes studying and learning Spanish free, fun, and interactive. The best part? You can use these apps for a few minutes each day when it best fits your schedule. After a few sessions, you’ll see your understanding really add up.

Commitment level: low

2. Subscribe to a Spanish-language podcast

While studying a new language on your own can work, it’s helpful to hear the natural cadences of how people fluent in that language speak. When learning Spanish, downloading or subscribing to a few podcasts, like News in Slow Spanish, can really make a difference in improving your pronunciation.

Commitment level: low

3. Watch the news in Spanish
Does watching TV actually help with learning Spanish? Sí. After all, didn’t Sesame Street help you learn English and math? The same principle applies here, too: the more you’re familiar with hearing Spanish words and phrases aloud, the more likely you’ll be to trust your brain to string it all together in a conversation. Several shows are specifically made to be watched by people learning Spanish, such as Destinos.

Some people find watching TV to be easier than listening to podcasts or radio because they can see what’s happening on the screen. Pro tip: Start watching with Spanish subtitles so that you can read as well as listen.

Commitment level: low

4. Start a conversation club

If you have friends or family who are also trying to learn Spanish, why not get them together for a weekly conversation? (You can even do this via video chat if coordinating a location poses a problem.)

Since your vocabulary might be limited at first, pick a topic of conversation for each session that complements the words you’re learning (e.g. weather, household items, cooking, school). Better yet, choose a scenario that you will likely encounter when using Spanish and role play. For example, if you want to study abroad in Argentina, you could pretend to order traditional Argentinian asado from your friend’s restaurant.

To go the extra mile, find a way to include food in your conversation group, because hey, food makes everything better. Plus, your friends will be more excited for each session when you’ve got snacks!

Commitment level: medium

5. Carry a Spanish-English dictionary with you…everywhere

To expand your Spanish vocabulary during your daily routine, carry around a small Spanish-English dictionary. If you don’t know the word for something in Spanish, look it up and commit it to memory, right there on the spot.

Spanish-English dictionaries come in all shapes and sizes; the smallest ones can even fit in the pocket of a pair of jeans. If you drive, or just regularly carry a backpack, messenger bag, or purse, it should be no problem to keep one near you at all times.

Commitment level: medium

6. Sign up for a language class

There are no two ways about it: taking a Spanish class will keep you accountable and committed to learning the language. Whether you register for a beginner, intermediate, or advanced level, it’s a huge plus to have an instructor to guide you, a group to practice with, and homework to reinforce what you learn.

Costs vary depending on the level of frequency, location, and quality, so be sure to do your research before you throw down your hard-earned dollars on a course.

Commitment level: high
7. Spend time in a Spanish-speaking country

Going abroad to a Spanish-speaking country is one of the best ways to learn Spanish. Even if you’re a beginner, an extended trip or study abroad program can be the best way to ensure that your second-language education includes real-life practice.

In addition to the language-learning benefits, your time abroad can be one of the best experiences of your life. Some programs can place you with a host family and/or a school, so you’ll be surrounded by Spanish-language speakers.

To learn as much as possible as quickly as possible, no method beats immersion, only communicating in the language you are trying to learn. One AFSer Anthony discussed the power of being completely immersed in the Spanish language during his Argentina study abroad program:

I went to Argentina not knowing any Spanish, and really having no clue of what I was getting myself into. I came in an average high school student and came out a Castellano speaking Argentine model/rugby player with new families around the city!”—
Commitment level: high

No matter your learning style, just make sure of one thing: commit to it! Put a reminder in your phone, ask a friend to bug you about it, or pick a time and place each day (or week) to sit down and focus on learning Spanish.

To find out how you can study Spanish while expanding your cultural horizons, check out how you can study in ArgentinaChile, Costa Rica, and Peru! Or browse all AFS programs, ranging from 2 weeks to a full academic year.