To the Georgian, Russian and Abkhaz authorities:
5. Guarantee freedom of movement for goods and people across the ABL, open new
crossing points and remove bureaucratic impediments to movement.
6. The Abkhaz authorities should lift legal and practical obstacles to Georgian language education in the ethnic Georgian Gali region, and take steps to include local
Georgians in administrative, government and police structures.
7. Georgia should continue to modify legislation and practices related to its “law on
occupied territories” that limit free movement of goods and people in and out of
Abkhazia; and encourage its international partners to facilitate the issuing of visas especially,

 but not only, for residents of Abkhazia wishing to study abroad.
8. Russia should fully implement the ceasefire agreements and strictly control all
transfers from its federal budget to limit corruption
To improve Abkhazia’s external access and exposure
To the international community, in particular the UN Development
Programme (UNDP), the Organisation for Security and Cooperation
in Europe (OSCE) and the European Union (EU):
9. Offer to strengthen the very limited international presence in Abkhazia; for example, the EU should offer to expand its police liaison activities; open an EU information point in Sukhumi; and begin implementing its new assistance program
focusing on health, education and improving local livelihoods, while the Abkhaz
Abkhazia: The Long Road to Reconciliation
Crisis Group Europe Report N°224, 10 April 2013 Page iv
authorities should not rebuff these efforts and others that increase access and
exposure to foreign expertise.

 10. Conduct a comprehensive study on the feasibility of redeveloping regional economic and transportation corridors, including rail, road and sea transport, between
Abkhazia, Georgia and other regional hubs.
Tbilisi/Sukhumi/Moscow/Istanbul/Brussels, 10 April 2013