Energy Beverages
These are designed to increase the consumers' perception that they could have more
energy either by increasing the levels of sugars in the beverage or having a stimulant like
caffeine. These can be marketed to office workers in cities or to laborers who need
additional energy during a long day.
Nutraceutical Beverages
This category is designed to provide healthful benefits beyond the calories they contain
and are aimed at reducing the risk of various diseases. These beverages can contain
vitamin C from citrus, vitamin A from fruits or vegetable juices and a mixture of plant
extracts that are believed by local consumers to promote good health.
Herbal Beverages
These are similar to Nutraceutical drinks, but are made by adding herbs to a beverage. A
word of caution is necessary here - while many of these herbs are safe at low levels of
consumption they can become toxic at higher levels.
Smart Beverages

 This popular group of beverages is believed to increase mental capacities on a short-term
basis. Some of these drinks contain carbohydrates, such as glucose that is readily
absorbed. Smart beverages may contain local herbs assumed to be effective for increasing
mental capabilities.
Pre-Feasibility Report Fruit Juice Manufacturing
December, 2016
Fun beverages
This category of beverages is designed to have a maximum eye appeal and must taste
very good. Some of these have suspended colored particles or have weird names that
appeal to kids. Typically Fun beverages contain a minimal amount of juice, but a
maximum amount of advertising and label hype.
Some common juice designations are given in the following table:
Term Criteria Remarks
1 Pure juice 100% All juice No adjustment, not from concentrate
2 Fresh squeezed Not pasteurized Held refrigerated, Food-safety
3 Chilled, ready to
All juice Held refrigerated, made from
concentrate or pasteurized juice
4 Not from
Single strength Reconstituted and pasteurized
5 Fresh frozen Unpasteurized Single strength, frozen after
6 Juice blend Unpasteurized Single strength, frozen after
9 Nectar Pulpy or clear Sugar, water and acid added, 25 to
50% juice
7 Juice blend All juice A mixture of pure juices
8 Puree Pulp-containing More viscous than juices, totally fruit
10 Nectar base Requires
Possesses sufficient flavor, acid and
sugar to require water dilution for
11 4
Juice drink Low in juice Contains 10 to 20% juice
12 Juice beverage Low in juice Contains 10 to 20% juice
13 Fruit + ade Lemonade Contains greater then 10% fruit
juice, sugar and water
14 Juice extract Water extract Fruit extracted by water, then
15 Fruit punch Token juice 1% juice, + natural flavors
16 Juice cocktail Low in juice Contains 10 to 20% juice
17 Natural flavored Token juice Usually greater then 1% juice
juice designations we have proposed for this pre-feasibility report
Pre-Feasibility Report Fruit Juice Manufacturing

Beginning of summer (May, in most of the country regions) season is supposed to be the
best time to start fruit juice marketing operations, where, production operations could be
started from January to February Since fruit juice is considered to be a highly agro based
industry, juice production should be started when fresh crop is coming into the market
and pulp is easily available at low prices. This will also be highly dependable on what
fruit is being selected for juice production, however, for the purpose of this pre-feasibility
we propose to go for Mango, Guava and Orange juices for which pulp is available
throughout the year at reasonable prices.
Hot weather increases liquid consumption all over the country; and instantly available
drinks become more attractive and valuable for the general public in metro cities and
towns & for seasonal consumers (especially in Northern areas). All these conduce to a
mass consumption of drinks in the form of plain water, carbonated drinks and
fresh/instant fruit juices etc. People everywhere in general and in northern areas
especially are inclined to use fruit juices for gaining extra energy which supports extra
physical activities. 

This is the most suitable time to market fruit juice.
Another thing that has to be taken into account before entering into this business is that
usually in the peak seasons when fresh crops coming into the market people shift to the
freshly extracted juices rather than preserved solutions.
The legal status of business tends to play an important role in any setup; the proposed
Fruit Juice Manufacturing setup is assumed to operate on Sole Proprietorship basis. The
reason being it is easy to setup and manage. Another thing is that people in Pakistan
generally do not know the procedures involved in operating a private limited or public
limited business setups.